I am going to discuss my thoughts around how to progress in the current situation. This is gleaned from my own brain, but is heavily influenced by the people I have followed to inspire me and keep me sane these last few days. As stated here, my preference is for pragmatic and considered - I will leave the tub thumping and earnest videos in a car to others.
There has been significant and rapid change over the last few months. This is disorienting and unnerving at the best of times, but the fact it stems from a world wide pandemic only intensifies this. It is my responsibility to make sure We Are Doodlebug is in the best possible condition when it ends so that we are able to be a part of the recovery, not a casualty of the crash.
The economy is in danger and no one really knows what is going on; no wonder there is panic in the air. I have taken time to reflect on what I needed to do to keep my business going, and why it is important.
I think there are three elements which have really helped me through:
People: I'm no extrovert, but I know I need to see people. I remember a spell at university where I was house bound - my own fault, playing rugby - and when I finally saw others they couldn't believe the incessant gabble I produced. It was like I had to get two weeks worth of words out. Right now. So I knew that contact with others would be vital at the moment, including those outside my home. I am used to a significant amount of working from home, but it has always been blended with plenty of time out and about meeting people. I loved the balance but we have been isolating for nearly two weeks, so I am getting used to a new normal. Zoom must have seen a massive upturn over the last few days - but it has been amazing for conferencing and virtual networking. I also call clients each day - to check they are OK, to help where I can, but also for my own sanity. Touch points in the outside world allow me to keep a perspective I would otherwise not be able to.
Work: It is too easy to get dragged into the whole morass of information and commentary about the epidemic. You get sucked in and end up wallowing in a negative loop. Completing tasks, even routine, administrative ones, allows me to set this aside. I do dedicate time to research the situation, engage with groups and share with interested parties but I have to limit myself and make sure the work gets done. This lends a structure and normality to my day. I enjoy my work and am very lucky.
The future: The previous two points I would class as 'Self Maintenance'. They are things which calm the nerves, increase my well being and give a sense that - once this is all over - we will be OK. We got this. Analysing the future is where I source my energy. Contemplating how to achieve the outcomes I want, where the business is going to develop, what opportunities will present themselves and which new directions I can go in is probably the most effective use of time I can think of at the moment. Stepping back and considering all the reasons I decided to be a business owner in the first place gives me more than a sense of calm and clarity. It is what I want to do, but also what I need to do to maintain my enthusiasm this way of life. There are some dark and lonely times ahead, but this is my search light, the guide which keeps me going - and also the most important of the elements.
I need to earn money, I need to keep my physical and mental health in good nick, I need to provide a safe and nurturing environment for my family (this last in partnership with my amazing wife) but most of all, enabling all these things, I need to build and create a better future. What that is may not be precisely clear yet, but I'm happy with that. I hope you are too.